Whether you are new or in the process of applying to the NDIS, knowing the commonly used terms will help you throughout this journey. Below are common terms that you will use when you are an NDIS participant:
Permanent and significant disability
Permanent disability refers to a disability that has lifetime impact while significant disability refers to a disability that hampers day to day activities.
Supports and services
Supports and services refers to assistance of products or services that helps a person in terms of their day to day activities. This includes support with community engagement and self fulfillment.
Early intervention
Is acting or responding to the needs of an adult or child as early as possible to help reduce the long-term impacts of disability or developmental delay. For children, it is also a way of establishing their skills and independence as preparation for their future. This will not only benefit people with disabilities but their family and loved ones as well.
Reasonable and necessary
The NDIS funds supports and services that will help fulfil goals. It is always mentioned that supports and services should be reasonable and necessary. Meaning that it is fair and the support is something that a person must have due to their disability.
Service agreement
Is an agreement between you and each of your providers which will serve as your sole basis. This is where you agree on the services and the cost it entails.
These are set of outcome/s which you and your LAC or ECC agreed upon during your plan meeting. Goals may vary from short to long term goals such as being able to do personal care independently to being able to get a job or learn a new skill.
Choice and control
Means that you have full control of your NDIS funds on what or which services and support you want to achieve your goals.
Plan Management
Is a service given by a Plan Manager which focuses on the financial management of your NDIS funds. It is the most practical and stress-free way of managing your funds. It is basically having someone else to do the financial side of your NDIS plan at zero cost. With Plan Management, the manager will be responsible in processing your invoice, ensuring that the providers are paid on time. You will also have access to your own portal and can update your spending. You will also have access to all the service providers may it be NDIS or non NDIS registered. No out of pocket costs to you.
Plan review
Is a review between the LAC (Local Area Coordinator) or ECC (Early Childhood Care) coordinator, regarding to your previous plan and what changes you want to implement in order for you to achieve your goals. This is also your opportunity to make changes or switch from being agency or self-managed to plan managed.
If you wish to switch from being self-managed /agency managed to Plan Managed, Yogi Care is here for you.
Be part of our growing family by simply contacting us via email: help@yogicare.com.au or give us a call at 08 7082 5555.
Our plan management service is delivered by professional accountants in public practice. Please review www.yogigroup.com.au to review our plan managers.

Yogi Care NDIS Plan Manager
Plan Managed is better way to track your NDIS plan