Being able to provide services to the disability sector comes with responsibilities. Whether you’re registered with the NDIS or not you are within the scope of the NDIS, thus, you need to be able to uphold the quality standards expected from you and your staff.
Your responsibilities include:
Providing Service Agreement to your client
This is actually a very powerful and helpful tool that will protect you and your client. This will stipulate important information regarding the service/s you will be provided as well as the expectations of the schedule and the rates
Ensuring that the goods and services delivered are reasonable and necessary as defined within the NDIS context
Providing ATO compliant tax invoices
Allow the participant to practice choice and control
and not in any way interfere with the decision making of the participant especially in terms of his/her preference on how the services will be delivered
Respect the participant’s choice
Under any circumstance that the participant no longer wants your service, remember that they are allowed to do so and you should respect their decision. When this happens, you need to review what has been stipulated in your Service Agreement regarding the terms when they wish to stop receiving your services and allow the participant to freely switch to another provider
Respect the privacy of your client
Some service providers’ best practice is that they have a separate form for the client to affix their signature which states that they are allowing you to access their other NDIS related information so that you may be able to perform your services properly
Prioritize a safe and secure environment for the client
For example, there are clients who establish rules when you access their house (cleaning services) like this for them gives them the feeling of security, as a responsible service provider you be able to prioritize this and practice it as well. Another example would be ensuring that the AT purchased from your company is safe to use not only to the client but also to the people around the client
Responsible to flag or raise matters which affects the quality of supports
Responsible for record-keeping in terms of all the services given to the client
Responsible for making reports which entail the outcomes and outputs of the client
This document is required from you and it plays a critical role to the client as this will be one of the NDIA’s determining factor when allocating for the client’s funds or the next set of funds
Responsible for obtaining and maintaining current Working With Children checks and police check (or equivalent in your state or territory)
Responsible for communicating properly to the participant’s other service providers
Say, for example, your client is Plan Managed you should be able to communicate properly with the Plan Manager in order to have a smooth processing of invoices, this is critical as unpaid invoices may impede or delay the consistency of the supports and services needed by the participant to achieve his/her NDIS goals.
Are you a Service Provider and you wish to expand your service to your clients? Open up their options of being Plan Managed. Yogi Care can help you and your client have a smooth transaction by ensuring all invoices are paid on time, thus, giving you and your participant easy access to achieving goals.
