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Understanding Narrative Therapy

Narrative therapy is a form of therapy that seeks to understand the issues and challenges of a person by treating the person as a totally separate entity to his or her problems. So in a broad perspective, it covers two aspects 1.understanding the person’s identity and 2. understanding challenges, issues, and problems and their impact on the person’s life. The narrative conversation is directed towards the interest and inclination of the person and the role of the therapist is to determine and ensure how the journey of the conversation is suited according to their preference. The conversation will talk about events-linked in sequence, time, and plot and all these factors weave together forming a story. Narrative therapy is non-blaming, non-judgemental, and is focused on believing that the person is equipped, skilled and able.

It can be beneficial to individuals suffering from but are not limited to:


· Autism

· Learning disability

· Anxiety disorders

· Grief, loss , trauma

· Neurological conditions like head injuries

· Abuse and violence in any form

· Depression

· Mental health concerns

Benefits of narrative therapy:


It allows the individual to assess his/her actions, strengths, weaknesses, routines and determine how these affect his/her life. This empowers the person to be aware of himself and herself and take action on what needs to be changed or modified.

Personal Responsibility

Since the person is given the opportunity to assess his/her actions, strengths, and likes, it helps the person realize and discern how these actions have a negative or positive impact. During the course of the therapy, the individual may be asked to make lifestyle changes to address the negative impacts identified, this will also help develop the personal responsibility of the person.

Boosts self-esteem

Allowing the person to identify and appreciate his/her strengths boosts his or her self-esteem. Also, allowing him or her to navigate the course of the narrative boosts self-esteem and confidence that he or she is capable enough to make decisions and be in authority.

What to expect in a narrative therapy

The therapist will ask about the person’s preferred topic, and usually, the conversation will touch on the challenges and barriers of the person. After giving ample time, the therapist will encourage to direct the conversation in sharing more positive stories and help the person discover skills and abilities which can help address the barriers mentioned earlier. Through this, it will help the person realize that there are ways to approach life in a positive manner.

A narrative therapist is :

· a licensed mental health professional, social worker, or therapist

· training in narrative therapy -through academic programs, workshops, or online continuing education

If you feel like narrative therapy will greatly help you in achieving your NDIS goals, have a chat with your LAC and know the things you need to do on your end

Do you have an NDIS plan and you need help with your funds? Choose to be Plan Managed with Yogi Care and allow us to help you navigate a stress-free NDIS journey.

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